login status :0
I am in set cart id parti am here. inside cartstored cart_id was : 745847
i am here. inside login status 0
SELECT IF(EXISTS(SELECT * FROM `cart` WHERE user_id=1 and tmp_id='{4514C638-5D64-0AD3-A7A0-F8F9221D7425}'),1,0) as result;
This is existing guid : {4514C638-5D64-0AD3-A7A0-F8F9221D7425}
This is existing : 745847
This is new guid is : {4514C638-5D64-0AD3-A7A0-F8F9221D7425}
The extracted cart_id is :745847 in sessionCurrent cart_id is : 745847
Deli Nepal
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What's new on Werless Earbuds ?

It’s hard to buy a bad pair of wireless earbuds these days. The market has come a long way since the early era of true wireless earbuds when we had to deal with mediocre sound quality and unreliable performance, all for the sake of ditching wires.

Nepal's fastest growing stationary brand.Nepal's fastest growing stationary brand.